PerfGrid Blog

Danish blog posts

Hvordan vi måler oppetid - Published: July 17, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

Hvordan finder vi hastighedsproblemer - Published: July 31, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

Sådan reducerede vi hjemmesidens indlæsningstid med 85% med en simpel løsning - Published: August 02, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

Reducer trafik forbrug med 32% - vejen til en hurtigere hjemmeside - Published: August 07, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

English blog posts

Optimizing WooCommerce CPU Usage - Published: July 17, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

How we identify performance problems - Published: July 31, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

How we cut a website's load times by 85% with a simple fix - Published: August 02, 2024 by Lucas Rolff

Reducing bandwidth usage by 32% - the path to a more performant website - Published: August 07, 2024 by Lucas Rolff